quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

IASB and FASB Publish Revised Proposal for Revenue Recognition

Norwalk, CT, November 14, 2011—The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) today issued for public comment a revised draft standard to improve and converge the financial reporting requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and US General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for revenue (and some related costs) from contracts with customers.

The boards decided to re-expose the proposals because of the importance of the financial reporting of revenue to all entities and the boards’ desire to avoid unintended consequences arising from the final standard.

The proposed standard would improve IFRSs and US GAAP by:

  • providing a more robust framework for addressing revenue recognition issues;
  • removing inconsistencies from existing requirements;
  • improving comparability across companies, industries and capital markets;
  • providing more useful information to users of financial statements through improved disclosure requirements; and
  • simplifying the preparation of financial statements by streamlining the volume of accounting guidance.
The core principle of this revised proposed standard is the same as that of the 2010 exposure draft: that an entity would recognise revenue from contracts with customers when it transfers promised goods or services to the customer. The amount of revenue recognised would be the amount of consideration promised by the customer in exchange for the transferred goods or services. However, in response to feedback received from nearly 1000 comment letters on the 2010 exposure draft and extensive outreach activities, the boards further refined their original proposals.

In particular they:

  • added guidance on how to determine when a good or service is transferred over time;
  • simplified the proposals on warranties;
  • simplified how an entity would determine a transaction price (including collectibility, time value of money, and variable consideration);
  • modified the scope of the onerous test to apply to long-term services only;
  • added a practical expedient that permits an entity to recognise as an expense costs of obtaining a contract (if one year or less); and
  • provided exemption from some disclosures for non-public entities that apply US GAAP.
If adopted, the proposed standard would replace IAS 18 Revenue, IAS 11 Construction Contracts and related Interpretations. In US GAAP, it would replace the guidance on revenue recognition in Topic 605 of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification®.

Commenting on the exposure draft, Hans Hoogervorst, chairman of the IASB, said:

Revenue is the top line and it is important to every business. Our proposals will give analysts and investors the confidence that revenue is being presented on a consistent basis, across industries and continents.

Leslie F. Seidman, chairman of the FASB, said:

This revised exposure draft on revenue recognition is based on the same underlying principles as the original draft, but we have simplified and clarified several aspects of the guidance in response to feedback we received. Because this proposed standard would affect companies across a wide range of industries, we are taking this additional quality control step to ensure that the final standard is well understood by companies, auditors and investors before it is issued as a final standard. We plan to conduct additional outreach with interested parties during the comment period to help people understand the proposed guidance and to listen to any remaining concerns.

The exposure draft is open for comment until 13 March 2012 and can be accessed via the ‘Comment on a Proposal’ section of www.iasb.org or on www.fasb.org. Further information including a podcast, an IASB ‘Snapshot’ and a ‘FASB In Focus’, which are high level summaries of the proposals, are available on the IASB and FASB websites.

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

Audiência Pública

Encerrou no dia 21/11 a audiência pública dos seguintes pronunciamentos/Interpretações.

O Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC) e a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) divulgam conjuntamente nesta data cinco documentos em audiência pública.

Estão em audiência pública:

- Revisão da Interpretação Técnica ICPC 01 - Contratos de Concessão
- Interpretação Técnica ICPC 17 - Contratos de Concessão: Evidenciação
- Revisão do Pronunciamento Conceitual Básico (CPC 00)
- Revisão do Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 18 - Investimento em Coligada e em Controlada
- Revisão do Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 26 - Apresentação das Demonstrações Contábeis

Estes documentos fazem parte do projeto do CPC  na revisão de todos os documentos já emitidos para que estejam totalmente convergentes às normas internacionais de contabilidade emitidas pelo International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), realizando comparação com as alterações introduzidas pelo IASB no volume das IFRS de 2011 (BV 2011 – Consolidated without early application – Blue Book).

Maiores informações, o site do CPC www.cpc.prg.br ou acesse o site da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (www.cvm.gov.br).

Welcome to IASB Update

Fonte: www.iasb.com

The IASB met on 15 and 16 November 2011 in a public meeting, with one Board member participating by telephone. Some sessions were held jointly with the FASB Board members participating via videoconference from Norwalk.

The most significant item for the IASB was the decision to defer IFRS 9Financial Instruments and to consider making limited improvements to that standard. The IASB also completed its public voting on the amendments stemming from the offsetting project.

The full list of topics for discussion at the joint IASB/FASB meeting was:
§  Leases
§  Work plan
The topics discussed at the IASB meeting were:
Put options written on non-controlling interests

Para baixar os documentos originais visite o site do iasb